C (264/301)

From:Christian Hattemer
Date:30 Aug 99 at 19:20:22
Subject:struct Arrays


Here's the code which creates an array of structs I've been talking about.
I would be happy to hear some comments.

It creates the array and reads the data into it. After that it's directly
useable for MUIM_List_Insert.

There's still a bug in the code which I couldn't find yet, help on that is
also welcome...

It seems to read everything fine, except the second LONG ("Priority"). It
reads some strange values for this, and it's a different value everytime.
This is strange because it's the same code which reads the first LONG Ok.

Bye, Chris

__ /// Amiga 4000T 040/40 Team *AMIGA*
\XX/ http://www.riednet.wh.tu-darmstadt.de/~chris/

Eine Schraube ohne Gewinde ist ein Nagel.

@{fg shine}There should be a file Config.c included with this guide.@{fg text}